Worried about hair loss? You're not alone. Millions of people experience hair loss, but there's hope. At The Skin Clinic, Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangkok. We offer a comprehensive range of treatments tailored to your unique needs and hair loss condition. Our US Board-Certified doctors will work with you to create a personalized plan, ensuring the best possible outcome for your hair restoration journey.
Experience the future of hair transplantation with FUI (Follicular Unit Implantation). This advanced technique offers unparalleled precision. Unlike traditional methods, FUI involves minimal downtime and leaves no linear scar. We carefully extract and implant individual hair follicles, creatinga hairline that's virtually undetectable.
Long Hair FUI, also known as Long Hair FUE, isa hair transplant technique where the hair folliclesare extracted while the hair is still long. Theextracted grafts are then implanted in the baldingareas. This technique allows the surgeon to seethe direction and angle of the hair follicles,resulting in a more natural-looking hairline. Unliketraditional FUE, Long Hair does not requireshaving the donor area, making it a popular choicefor those who do not want to cut their hair short.
In FUE hair transplantation, each hair follicle isextracted individually from the donor area, typicallythe back of the head, which is then implanted intothe balding areas. This technique results in tinywounds in the donor area, which heal quickly andleave no visible scars. However, it requires shavingthe donor area, unlike Long Hair FUE. The results ofFUE may not be immediately visible and may takeseveral months for the transplanted hair to grow.This technique may not be suitable for women whodo not want to shave their hair.
Discover the power of FUI hair transplants combined with ALMI Nanofat, a groundbreakingtreatment that uses your own fat to revitalize hair follicles and boost growth. Experience exceptionalresults and regain your confidence with The Skin Clinic.
The Skin Clinic uses air pressure to administer anesthesia, eliminating the need for needles. This is ideal for those with needle phobia or anxiety.
Hair follicles are carefully harvested from the back of the scalp (donor area) using specialized micro-instruments.
We maintain a 95%+ graft survival rate through meticulous extraction and implantation techniques, ensuring optimal results.
Our surgeons meticulously implant each hair graft at the precise angle and direction to seamlessly blend with your existing hair growth pattern. This meticulous approach ensures a natural-looking.
A : FUI(Follicular Unit Implanter) is a new hair transplant technique that builds uponFUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). It uses a specialized tool called an"Implanter" to implant hair follicles. The advantages include:
A : FUI issuitable for patients of all ages who want a hair transplant, especially:
A : Resultsdepend on several factors, such as the patient's health, the doctor'stechnique, and post-operative care. Generally, transplanted hair starts to growafter 3-4 months, and noticeable results can be seen within 1 year.
A : Yes,we have a team of specialized hair transplant doctors certified by the AmericanBoard of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) with extensive experience in FUI hairtransplant.
A : Beforethe transplant, the doctor will administer local anesthesia using anair-powered injector to minimize pain. You might feel some tightness in thescalp during the procedure, but it's generally not as painful as, for example,a tooth extraction.