Follicular Unit Extraction

THE SKIN CLINIC | Follicular Unit Extraction
FUE Hair Transplant | No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)


FUI Hair transplant 2,000-2,500 grafts; equivalent to 5,000 hairs starting price 69,000 Baht (from normal price at 150,000 Baht)

Special!! for the wound to heal quickly Reduce swelling and bruising after surgery We have a service to sleep in a tunnel that adjusts the atmospheric pressure (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy), a technology that allows the body to fully receive oxygen. Aids in wound healing after surgery reduce swelling Make the wound heal faster!!

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FUE Hair Transplant | No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)

No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)

FUE hair transplant is a no-stitch hair transplant. The procedure requires hair follicles transplant from the occipus area, which contains the heathiest hair follicles and is non-sensitive to testosterone. The tool used features an automatic head that extract hair grafts in the wound with precision and speed and leaves extremely small dots of 1 mm.

After that, the follicles are implanted in the recipient area, the hairline of which has been designed and drawn up before the placing process. Up to 90-95% of the results show natural growth of hair without having to recover or suffer from any stitching scars. A patient can return home as soon as the surgery is done. This procedure is extremely suitable for those who are battling with thin hair and balding problems, as it will revive your hair to be dense and healthy again with the use of your own hair.

The FUE hair transplant procedure

FUE Hair Transplant | No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)
FUE Hair Transplant | No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)

1) Design the hair line and evaluate the amount of grafts needed for the recipient area by considering a patient's facial shape and demands in order to ensure the most natural looking result.

FUE Hair Transplant | No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)

2.) Inject anaesthesia with an exclusive tool that does not involve any needles. This is suitable for those who are afraid of needles, but want to go through the hair transplant procedure. The doctor will wait for the anasthesia to kick in, in preparation for graft extration.

FUE Hair Transplant | No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)

3) Use the tool to extract grafts automatically from the back of the head, in the occipus area. The tool extracts grafts with precision and speed, creating extremely small holes. This helps reduces the time used in the hair transplant. Moreover, the more grafts we can take out based on the need, the higher the surviving rate of the taken grafts will become.

Extracting grafts requires precise skills from expert doctors as well as up-to-date tools, leading to accuracy in the hair transplant and time saving of 30% both in grafts extraction and placing.  

FUE Hair Transplant | No stitch hair transplant surgery (FUE)

4) When the process of selecting healthy hair grafts, classifying types as well as different directions of hair shafts are complete, the doctor will place the selected grafts in the recipient area by aligning with the patient's natural hairline as much as possible.

What is the best method for...
hair transplant treatment?

Who is this procedure suitable for?

THE SKIN CLINIC | Who is this procedure suitable for?,  Hair Transplant

Suitable for those who are battling with hair loss, thin hair, balding and with M shaped hairline problems.


  • No surgery, no stitches

  • Short recovery

  • No stitches off

  • Non-visible wound no matter how short your hair becomes

  • No need to worry about the loss of hair at the back, as we use a random-extracting method for the hair grafts that we take out

Post-treatment self-care

THE SKIN CLINIC | Post-treatment self-care, Hair Transplant Bangkok

After the hair transplant, it can take many months for the hair to fully grow. The approximate time is 4-10 months from the surgery.

  • Visit the clinic to wash the wound repeatedly for about 3-4 days. After that, you can wash your hair by yourself.

  • Sleep on your back and on a high pillow.

  • Refrain from exercising or sun exposure for a long time

  • Refrain from drinking alchohol for 1-2 weeks after the surgery

  • Do not scratch the transplanted area or pull the wound flakes by yourself

  • The flakes from the transplanted wound will gradually shed within 1-2 weeks

  • In the first 1-3 months, the transplanted hair will fall out, which can alarm a patient.

  • In the 4th-10th month, the hair will gradually grow out naturally. You can cut, wash and style your hair as desired.

at our hair restoration clinic We believe in personal care. We understand that each patient's hair loss symptoms are different. That is why we offer a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatment options to suit your individual needs. With over 10,000 successful cases, we are committed to providing excellent care and ensuring patient satisfaction.

The result after hair transplant surgerywith the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique

Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic
Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic
Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic
Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic
Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic
Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic
THE SKIN CLINIC | The result after hair transplant surgerywith the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique
THE SKIN CLINIC | The result after hair transplant surgerywith the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique

Review: 6 months after hair transplant

FUE Hair Transplant

The patient has a problem with very concave hair.

Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic
Hair Transplant & FUE Hair Transplant | The Skin Clinic

919 Silom Road, Silom Subdistrict, Bang Rak District, Bangkok 10500, Thailand


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